
The Library is the pillar and pride of an educational institute. The College shall have a Digital library with a provision to demonstrate and learn from multimedia packages and internet. Book transactions, classification will be through computers. Institution library shall be connected to the libraries of other Colleges through a network and facility for getting articles/papers published in international journals will be provided through clearing houses. The library will be equipped with update text and reference books and subscribe to national and international journals. Reprographic facility will be provided to enable the users to obtain instant reference material.

Computer Lab

Students of the respective programs are required to have the proficiency in day to day office applications on computers, specially as this world can be said as the world of information technology. Keeping in view, we have a state of Art Computer Lab. There are separate cabins for students The Software information data mechanization in the centre also helps a lot for students to realize their potential future towards better studies and future growth.


We have well equipped laboratories which match the technological advancements and the syllabi by the concerned University. Quality and quantity is never compromised.

Equipments and Instruments

The college machine room has various machines used in the pharmaceutical industries at different stages of production, quality control and packing. Tabletting machines, coating and polishing pans, bottle filling machines, and Q.C. instruments like friability tester, DT and Dissolution test apparatus are the important one, apart from other modern and sophisticated machines and instruments to update the facilities. Important equipments and instruments added recently include colorimeters, single pan balance, pH meters, refractometer, conductivity meter, BOD incubator, tabletting machine, laminar flow unit, convulsiometer, analgesiometer, UV spectrophotometer